Crossroad Press has released my narration of David Niall Wilson’s eerie novel about the Catholic Church, On the Third Day. This is the kind of book that gives you the shivers, but also gets under your skin and makes you think. On the Third Day is about Father Darren Prescott, a seeker of truth. He works for The Vatican, but his real work is within his own mind and heart; Father Prescott hunts miracles. Father Thomas is a young priest with a quiet congregation that worships at San Marcos by the Sea, a small cathedral outside San Valencez, California. One Easter Father Thomas’ Mass is interrupted by something he cannot explain – something powerful that shakes his world, and that of his congregation.
Father Thomas experiences the Stigmata.
If you liked The Exorcist, you’re bound to enjoy On the Third Day. The unabridged narration is available from Crossroad Press for $12.99, and can also be found at Amazon,, and other fine purveyors of audiobooks…