Please contact me. I’d like to use your article about Maxine King Hattem for our website if that is OK with you? Thank you, Kim
Would you be willing to post (or email to me) the table of contents for The Night Listeners collection? This information is not available anywhere on the internet. Thank you.
Chet–Wondering if my previous attempt to get in touch reached you. I’d like to pursue our previously contemplated project concerning the collected short stories of Amelia Reynolds Long. Please send me an email about this.–Dick Lupoff
Dear Mr. Williamson,
I just purchased and listened to your audiobook Psycho Sanitarium.
All I can say is “OMG GREAT GREAT GREAT WORK!!!”
Congratulations especially on reading the german parts. Being German, I was impressed, how perfect you pronaunced the words.
Also your presentation of Mother was REALLY SPOOKY!!
Nevertheless I am sorry, that there is no german version of your Novel. Although it’s just a minor point of citicism.
Once again many many thanks for your tremendous work.
Yours sincerely
Christoph Barchewitz
P.S. Please excuse my bad English. It’s all I remember from school almost 40 years ago.
Dear Christoph,
Danke schoen for your kind comments! I’m particularly glad you approved of my German pronunciation. I had several years of German in high school, and have just started studying German with Rosetta Stone to see if I can pick up back up. It’s an immensely difficult language with all the different definite articles, but I always enjoyed studying it. I’m so glad you liked the novel — I had a great deal of fun writing it, having been a PSYCHO fan for many decades.
Auf wiedersehen!
Chet Williamson
Hi Chet;
I loved your reading of The Magic Wagon. It’s one of my favorite books and I couldn’t find my copy before I interviewed Joe last year so I bought the audio book and it was wonderful. You completely captured the voices that I had imagined over the years.
I’m working on a short documentary about Joe Lansdale’s work, and he suggested I contact you to see if you’d have time to participate. If you’d like to contribute a quote, a video or a soundbite or do an interview, I’d love to include you in the project.
So far I’ve gotten interviews with Del Howison, David J Schow and F Pail Wilson.
Please let me know if you’d be interested or would like more information.
Thanks for you consideration and the wonderful work!
Please contact me. I’d like to use your article about Maxine King Hattem for our website if that is OK with you? Thank you, Kim
Would you be willing to post (or email to me) the table of contents for The Night Listeners collection? This information is not available anywhere on the internet. Thank you.
Chet–Wondering if my previous attempt to get in touch reached you. I’d like to pursue our previously contemplated project concerning the collected short stories of Amelia Reynolds Long. Please send me an email about this.–Dick Lupoff
Dear Mr. Williamson,
I just purchased and listened to your audiobook Psycho Sanitarium.
All I can say is “OMG GREAT GREAT GREAT WORK!!!”
Congratulations especially on reading the german parts. Being German, I was impressed, how perfect you pronaunced the words.
Also your presentation of Mother was REALLY SPOOKY!!
Nevertheless I am sorry, that there is no german version of your Novel. Although it’s just a minor point of citicism.
Once again many many thanks for your tremendous work.
Yours sincerely
Christoph Barchewitz
P.S. Please excuse my bad English. It’s all I remember from school almost 40 years ago.
Dear Christoph,
Danke schoen for your kind comments! I’m particularly glad you approved of my German pronunciation. I had several years of German in high school, and have just started studying German with Rosetta Stone to see if I can pick up back up. It’s an immensely difficult language with all the different definite articles, but I always enjoyed studying it. I’m so glad you liked the novel — I had a great deal of fun writing it, having been a PSYCHO fan for many decades.
Auf wiedersehen!
Chet Williamson
Hi Chet;
I loved your reading of The Magic Wagon. It’s one of my favorite books and I couldn’t find my copy before I interviewed Joe last year so I bought the audio book and it was wonderful. You completely captured the voices that I had imagined over the years.
I’m working on a short documentary about Joe Lansdale’s work, and he suggested I contact you to see if you’d have time to participate. If you’d like to contribute a quote, a video or a soundbite or do an interview, I’d love to include you in the project.
So far I’ve gotten interviews with Del Howison, David J Schow and F Pail Wilson.
Please let me know if you’d be interested or would like more information.
Thanks for you consideration and the wonderful work!
Warmest regards;
Hansi Oppenheimer
Squee Projects LLC