After many days of scanning, stealing images, writing memoirs, consulting bibliographies, and bothering my immensely patient webmaster, Nick Setthachayanon, I’ve completed work on the Books page, also known as “You Wrote What?”
So I think the time is ripe to launch this shiny new website into a world filled with shiny new websites, many of which feature far more famous, beautiful and interesting people than me. Nevertheless, if you are here, you know what you’re in for.
I suggest you begin by reading the blog entry all the way at the bottom, which provides a more fulsome introduction than these few words, and then work your way up. Explore the other pages, and know that there will be more to come. I’ll also be talking about plays, both those I write and those I perform in, and I’ll be posting excerpts from my work (in the “Stories” page — hey, not all the names can be silly). There’s one up now, but that’s just a sample. I’ll also be yammering about books and movies and DVDs and music and other things I find yammerworthy.
And let me know if you’ve been here. Follow me on Twitter (@chetwill), befriend me on Facebook, accost me in the parking garage at midnight…if you dare…
Chet Williamson