The Return of the Williamson…

Just wanted to let all the lovely people who might check out my website know that I have been remiss in keeping it up to date. I’ve been sealed in ice this past year, writing and writing, and have finally thawed out, so expect to see new things (and catching up on old ones) every few days until I’ve returned to the present. New books, new stories, new audiobooks and podcasts…stay tuned! Honest! Really!

SOON! Andrew Vachss Underground: script by Williamson & Richardson…

undergroundI’ve spent much of the past year scripting and helping to edit a lengthy graphic novel based on an unpublished screenplay by Andrew Vachss for Dark Horse Comics. Mike Richardson scripted the first 24 pages, which appeared serially in DARK HORSE PRESENTS, and I wrote the remainder of the 144 page book, which will appear as a hardcover, with art by Dominic Reardon, in October.

Though there are similarities between this graphic novel and a four-issue run of UNDERGROUND  back in the mid-90s, this is an all new creation  and story, and I’m excited to be a part of it. I’ve seen the art at every stage, and it’s going to be killer. I’ll let everyone know when it’s released. For more info, here’s a link to the promo page…


A year’s worth of audiobooks!

Strange as it seems, I haven’t posted on this website for a year. Could this account for my slow website traffic?…nah. At any rate, since those last posts I’ve narrated fifteen unabridged audiobooks, all of which are available for download on To immediately correct this deficiency in my website, there follows a list of clickable links to all these titles (starting with the most recent), for those of you who prefer to listen to your favorite novels as well as read them. Through the next few months I’ll endeavor to create a separate section which will deal solely with audiobooks. But for now…

The Woman by Jack Ketchum and Lucky McKee

Stealing Fire by Jo Graham

Kin by Kealan Patrick Burke

The Monarchs by Stephen Mark Rainey

B. & E.: A Whit Pynchon Mystery by Dave Pedneau

Zombie: A Love Story by Patricia Lee Macomber

The Books of Blood, Volume 1 by Clive Barker

The Black Stiletto: Stars & Stripes by Raymond Benson

A.P.B.: A Whit Pynchon Mystery by Dave Pedneau

Futile Efforts by Tom Piccirilli

Night Brothers by Sidney Williams

Stranglehold by Jack Ketchum

The Gore by Joseph A. Citro

The Pet by Charles L. Grant

Pink Vodka Blues by Neal Barrett

Fiends by John Farris

Defenders of the Faith

Crossroad Press trade paperback edition

Defenders of the Faith is my first novel that was an ebook original from Crossroad Press, though the trade paperback followed shortly thereafter. It’s a horror novel crossed with a suspense thriller, and there’s no supernatural element.

The book is an exploration into what happens when one’s religious faith comes up against one’s reason. It’s told from the point of view of a basically good man who crosses the threshold of violence, and discovers that he has inspired a young and even more crazed disciple.

Fearnet said: “This isn’t a simple tale.  It is full of contradictions, in the way that life is full of contradictions.  There is no distinct line between good and bad and right and wrong.  As a study of a truly tragic character, Defenders of the Faith is one of modern horror’s best examples.”

Horror Drive-In added: “Chet Williamson is a complicated writer and Defenders of the Faith is a complicated novel. I’m not saying that it’s stodgy or overly intellectual. This is a lightning-paced thriller. It’s just that Chet doesn’t present right and wrong in clearly defined terms. You won’t find the good guys wearing white hats and the bad guys with black ones on their heads…Defenders of the Faith is a book for the ages.”

Ed Gorman’s THE GIRL IN THE ATTIC — Williamson-read creepiness…

There are times when you just want a good old-fashioned horror/mystery novel to creep you out, and when you do, you can’t do better than Ed Gorman and Patricia Lee Macomber’s The Girl in the Attic. Originally published as Night Caller by “Daniel Ransom” during the horror boom of the 80s, this version has been heavily revised and edited by the authors. I had a blast recording this one… Continue reading Ed Gorman’s THE GIRL IN THE ATTIC — Williamson-read creepiness…

Raymond Benson’s TORMENT — Voodoo! Thrills! My voice!

Raymond Benson is one of our great thriller writers, who, along with his own fine novels, has written a number of James Bond novels, continuing Ian Fleming’s character into the present day. Torment is a horror novel with all the best elements of thriller and love story as well, and I was pleased to narrate the unabridged audiobook… Continue reading Raymond Benson’s TORMENT — Voodoo! Thrills! My voice!